SupplyWell has taken a look at the latest NHS advice and sourced some great family recipe ideas.
As a mother of two young children I’m so aware of the trials and tribulations of the effort involved in providing a healthy and balanced diet for my family. And I know I’m not alone!
Food can be a joyous and wonderful thing but also cause frustrations and worries for parents, carers and children alike.
There is so much advice and information out there to help and guide families in the right direction, but it can be overwhelming. We’ve put together some useful links to everything from tips for healthy food swaps to recipe collections that should keep everyone happy.
Snacks are such a big part of most children’s lives and the constant requests to their carers for them. The NHS recommends no more than 2 packaged snacks a day so here are some great simple ideas for healthy snacks.
The NHS have created some simple tasty snack ideas.
Discover how to make healthy swaps with this helpful app.
Check out these tips and healthy swaps from the NHS to add a little extra goodness into your day to day lives.
Recipe Ideas
BBC Good Food – Kids cooking recipes